Free Astrologer Chat Rooms - Online Astrology Readings
Accurate Astrology Answers 24/7
Free Astrology Chat with Professional Online Astrologers
Looking for a free online astrology chat reading? Then you have come to the right place! Via our astrology chat rooms you can chat with professional and experienced astrologers. An astrologer is somebody who studies astrology and who is qualified to create professional horoscopes, reports and forecasts. Astrologers are able to make accurate future predictions and full characteristics reports based on the positions of the planets at the exact time a person was born. We could say an astrologer is able to read the stars.
You can have unlimited free chat without obligations and even a free astrology reading up to 10 minutes! Start a no cost chat and find out why we are the #1 free horoscope chat room!
Join Free Astrology Chat Rooms
We offer unlimited free astrology chat. This means that you can chat 100% for free with the best online astrologers for as long as you like. Of course you can also receive professional astrology readings. You can even meet new like-minded people in the spiritual community. During a free astrology chat you can even get some questions answered for free! But keep in mind that the main purpose of the free chat rooms is to get familiar with the astrologers, not the get free readings. That being said is surely is possible to get some free astrology answers. Need a free astrology guaranteed and right away? Take advantage of the special welcome offer!
Get a Totally Free Astrology Chat Reading Guaranteed
To join the free astrology chat rooms you don't need a credit card. But when you do register and validate a credit card you will get 9,99 free credits which you can use for a totally free live astrology reading. No deposit needed. We have the best live online astrologers who are available 24/7. There is no waiting time, you can get your personal astrology reading instantly.
About Astrology Readings
Of course, astrology is very complex because there are hundreds of factors to consider. We know that the planets have a big influence on earth, for example the moon and sun affect the ocean's tides but also other aspects of nature. It has been said many times "as above, so below" but it does truthfully describe our relationship with the heavens.
Planets moving in different patterns through our solar system bring forth a certain energy that widely affects human beings. Every planet sends off a different vibrational energy which impacts our behavior and outside influences that can change the course of our life. That is why astrologers can guide us in different personal areas including romance, friendship, money, work and home using the position of the planets at a certain moment in time. To be considered a professional astrologer one is required to possess official documents and diploma's. Good mathematical skills are key in becoming a professional astrologer that is able to make accurate forecasts.
Part of an astrologers work is to guide you and help you understand better what it means for you when particular planets are in your sun or ascendant sign or form an alignment with other celestial bodies. Astrologers can advise you about future opportunities or upcoming challenges and give you tips on how to reach your full potential by minimizing negative energies and enhancing the positive.
What can a professional astrologer do for you?
Most common horoscopes
Because of their great knowledge and experience, astrologers are able to create different reports or horoscopes.
These reports can be general or focused on a single topic to get a more detailed prediction of what to expect in that area.
- Relationship horoscopes
- Money forecasts
- Compatibility reports
- Natal charts/Birth chart
- Career reports
- Love horoscopes

All of these reports are created using your exact time and date of birth. These reports do not only focus on your future, but also shed light on your past and present circumstances. An example, a compatibility report shows the dynamics of a relationship and assesses whether or not the relationship has all the means to succeed by looking at each person's natal chart and comparing them together.
Talking about the natal chart, this chart shows the exact positions of the planets at the time you were born and gives full information on your characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and the most dominant influences on your life. It is an astrological profile that offers you a chance to really get to know yourself. Of course you can also request a natal chart (birth chart) for one of your children or your spouse to fully understand their behavior and how to approach them in different situations.
Accurate Astrology Predictions
Based on the planetary movements, astrologers are able to make various predictions. Horoscopes you read in magazines or online are based on your sun sign. But because your sun sign is only a small part of your full astrology profile, they are not always as accurate as one would like. So when an astrologer has access to your time and date of birth, they are also able to determine your moon sign and so on. This allows them to create a full, detailed and personal horoscope just for you. This report is far more specific and offers very detailed information.
Astrologers can even tell you what the best time is for you to buy a house, sign a contract or legal papers or to take the next step in your relationship, maybe they tell you to wait a little while till certain planets have less influence. They can help direct you to the best areas for you to make money or to find some other fulfillment. Our online astrologers are highly qualified and able to point you in the right direction to be in the right place at the right time.
Astrology Answers via Online Chat Rooms
Maybe you are not looking for a complete astrology report? Maybe you just need some quick answers to burning questions? Then that's of course fine too. Maybe you just need an answer to 1 specific question? An experienced astrologer is able to quickly have a look at your horoscope to see whats in your future. The best thing about astrology readings is that the predictions an astrologer tells you are destined to happen. They are karma and soul related. They are written in the stars. You can't walk away from your karma.
Often with psychic predictions you can still change the outcome when you decide to walk a different path. Unless the predictions where also karma related. But astrologers take a look at your souls journey to see what is already written in the stars for you and will definitely be part of your life. That being said, based on what the astrologer sees, he or she can also offer you advice and guidance. What would be the best time to buy that dreamhouse. Or what you should do to make sure the outcome of the situation will rule in your favour. Or how you should act in a situation so that the problem will resolve itself the quickest. Let's have a look at some examples of questions you can ask an astrologer.
Questions you can ask during an astrology chat
- What are my gifts and talents?
- What would be the best time for me to change careers?
- What should I know about the way I give and receive love?
- What do I need to know about my relationship with money?
- Am I an old soul?
- Are my fears related to my past lives?
- Was I born to become a wealthy person?
- What are the lessons I need to learn this lifetime?
- Will I have much luck in my future?
- Will I get married and be with my soulmate?
- What lies in my future?
- When is the best time to get married?
As you can see, astrologers can answer many different questions. Astrology has been one of the first and most popular ways to foretell someones future. It can accurately predict specific future evens and offer insight in someone's current life, past lives and karma. Join a free account and start your personal online astrology reading.